If you were vaccinated at one of the following locations:
*Sydney Olympic Park (Figtree Ave) - NSW Health Vaccination Centre
RPA Hospital - NSW Health Vaccination Centre
Bicentennial Park - NSW Health Vaccination Centre
Sydney Airport - NSW Health Vaccination Centre
Canterbury Hospital - NSW Health Vaccination Clinic
Koori Clinic
Ultimo Clinic
Community Clinics: All Saints, Ashfield, Burwood, Campsie, Common Grounds, Glebe, Lakemba, Marrickville, Parry Park, Punchbowl, Redfern, Riverwood, Sydney Markets, The Acres Club, Waterloo, Zetland, University of Sydney Great Hall, Sydney Town Hall
Please complete the form below. Please enter your details carefully so we can match them against our COVID-19 Vaccination records.
*Note: This excludes Qudos Bank Arena vaccinations. If you were vaccinated at Qudos Bank Arena, please call 1800 922 886
Vaccinated somewhere else?
Please call the NSW Health Vaccination Support Line on 1800 57 11 55