Patient Information
Inpatient referrals can be generated through the patient eMR. Clinicians can make direct requests, while patient or carer requests can be made via ward staff.
A small general outpatient service is available for referral from General Practitioners for issues including nutrition support, cardiac disease and weight management with a significant co-morbidity. Patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes can be referred to a group education program. Referrals for patients with type 1 diabetes, long standing type 2 diabetes, or diabetes with significant co-morbidities should be referred to the Concord Hospital specialist endocrinology and diabetes service.
Outpatient referrals for specialist services (e.g. gastroenterology) can only be accepted from treating consultants of Concord Repatriation General Hospital.
Patients who require advice for allergy or food intolerance are best referred to a specialist centre such as those found at RPA or Westmead Hospitals. For those interested in advice for general weight loss, sports nutrition or general healthy eating, the Dietitians Association of Australia provides information on private practice dietitian services available in your local area. See web link provided below.
Some people find greater success with weight loss in a supportive group environment. There are commercial weight loss programs available to provide such support. For example, Weight Watchers.