Sydney Local Health District
RPA Women and Babies Ambulatory Care

Information about your pregnancy

Our Parent Education Service is delighted to invite you and your family/support person to a helpful Early Pregnancy Online Information Session. The session is:

You will learn more about what to expect in early pregnancy and how to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible in early pregnancy. Your experienced Midwife facilitator will also share helpful resources.
We have a range of Parent Education information sessions for mums, dads, partners and support people to help you prepare for pregnancy, birth and parenthood. For more information, please visit our website.

Hospital Appointments

Early pregnancy is a good time to think about what type of pregnancy care you would like to receive, as there are several different options available.
To make your first booking appointment at the hospital:

  • Ask your GP to send a referral to RPA and include your preferred Pregnancy Care Option.

Most of the cost of your Maternity care in the hospital is covered by Medicare, if you are eligible.

Pregnancy Care Options at RPA

Every pregnancy is unique and we are committed to placing women, families and our communities at the centre of the care that we provide.

We encourage you to talk to your midwife or doctor early in pregnancy to discuss your options. We can’t always accommodate your preferences, however we will work with you to find a model of care that meets your needs. 

Your General Practitioner (GP) can provide further information about the pregnancy care options available. It is recommended that when your GP sends your referral to RPA, they note your preferred pregnancy care option.

  • Aboriginal MGP (AMGP)

Midwifery-led care for all risk women who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and women who are having babies who will identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. The Clinical Midwifery Consultant (CMC) works closely with the Obstetrics medical team. Care is currently provided across the antenatal and immediate post-natal period.

  • Birth Centre

Midwifery-led care for low- to medium-risk women who want minimal intervention with their labour and birth. Midwives support the woman during the antenatal, labour and birth of the baby and the immediate post-natal period.

  • GP Shared Care

Pregnancy care is shared between a general practitioner (if recognised with the GP ANSC program) and the Antenatal Clinic or Birth Centre (RPA only). This model of care is offered to women considered to be healthy and with a low risk pregnancy.

  • Midwifery Antenatal Postnatal Service at RPA (MAPS)

Midwifery-led care for low- to medium-risk women from a designated Midwife who will provide continuity of care through the antenatal and immediate post-natal periods. The delivery suite midwives provide care during labour.

  • Midwifery Group Practice (MGP)

Midwifery-led care for low- to medium-risk women from a designated Midwife who will provide continuity of care through the antenatal, labour, the birth of the baby and the immediate post-natal periods.

  • Midwifery Clinic

Pregnancy care is provided by the team of midwives working in the Midwifery clinic. This pregnancy care type is suitable for women with a low to moderate risk of complications in pregnancy. Appointments are available at community Outreach Clinics as well as at the RPA Women and Babies Midwifery Clinic. Visits can also be arranged with doctors, mental health clinicians or other specialists if required.

During your stay in hospital you will be cared for by our hospital midwives. Women in the Midwifery clinic who live in Sydney Local Health District (SLHD) will receive postnatal visits from our Midwifery @ Home midwives. Women living outside of SLHD may be cross referred to their local service, however we cannot guarantee that postnatal home visits will be provided.

  • Specialised Pregnancy Clinics

Some women may require more specialised pregnancy care. Your healthcare team may include midwives, allied health professionals, obstetricians and other specialist doctors.

A midwife will review your pregnancy and health history at your first hospital visit and arrange the referral to a specialist clinic if required. If you need specialist input earlier in your pregnancy, your GP can also directly refer you to the appropriate Specialist Pregnancy Clinic.

  • Private Obstetricians

You may choose to have your care with a private obstetrician who will provide all your pregnancy care in their private rooms. Your private obstetrician will be present at the birth of your baby.

Your GP can provide a referral to a private Obstetrician who practices at RPA.

You will need to check your health fund regarding your hospital insurance cover and check with your obstetrician with regard to their fees. Private obstetric care is not covered by Medicare.

Information for General Practitioners

Please make referrals to RPA Women and Babies services using HealthLink SmartForm eReferrals via the Sydney Local Health District Women's Health section on the HealthLink Referred Services list. HealthLink SmartForms are accessible from Best Practice, Genie and Medical Director software systems or via the My HealthLink Portal.

Use of eReferral enables direct confirmation of triage outcomes to both the referrer and patient.

For more information on referring to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital services please visit the HealthPathways Sydney website.


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Page Last Updated: 05 November, 2024