Out of Session HREC Meeting DatesFollowing the Chief Executive’s announcement regarding COVID-19 research-related matters, the SLHD HRECs will begin holding weekly out-of-session HREC meetings to consider requests, amendments and new (greater than low-risk) ethics applications. The first out-of-session meeting will commence at RPAH from Monday 30 March 2020, with CRGH to commence on 1 April 2020. To ensure a smooth process, researchers should note the following: 1. The closing date for submissions will be strictly 12pm Wednesday for RPAH and; 12pm Friday for CRGH. No extensions will be given. 2. Full documentation must be submitted, as per the checklists posted on the office websites. Submissions with missing documents cannot be considered by the HREC. 3. Amendments, requests should be forwarded by email to the relevant Executive Officer. 4. Ethics applications must still be submitted through REGIS however the researcher should notify the Executive Officer when this has occurred in order to extract the documents from the system and prioritise it for review. Researchers should refer to the COVID-19 guidance documents listed on the Research Offices websites.