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The Wiggles: Social Distancing
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Fuss free mealtimes

We'd all like our children to eat healthy, nourishing meals without the fuss - unfortunately, that's often easier said than done. But with a few simple tips and tricks, your little one could soon be asking for more veggies! We spoke to local mum, Kylie, to find out what works for her family.

Fuss free mealtimes

Meal times work best when there are no distractions - turning off the TV and putting away computers, phones and toys can help your child focus on eating what’s in front of them.  Local mum Kylie suggests sitting together at the dining table or kitchen bench when possible.

Eating together as a family or with friends has also worked wonders for Kylie. “When my little girl sees people around her at the dinner table trying different food, this encourages her to try them too!”

Aside from learning from how others eat, family meal times provide a good opportunity for children to feel included and in many cases, a chance to experience an important part of their family’s culture.

Fuss Free Mealtimes

Working out whether a child doesn’t like what’s in front of them, or if they’re simply not hungry can be a tough one for mums and dads.

Kylie found patience is the key - and staying positive. “I do try to find interesting ways to encourage my children to eat, and the majority of the time it works!” Trying not to allow snacks too close to meal times can also help.

It can take 15-20 attempts for a child to accept new food - so don’t give up! But don’t force it either. Offering some of what you’re eating can be a nice introduction or pairing something new with a food you know they like.

Importantly, keep meal times relaxed and positive. As stressful as it might be if your little one doesn’t like their dinner, keeping your cool could be the difference between them trying something or refusing.



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Page Last Updated: 27 October, 2017