We have more than 1000 staff providing a wide range of mental health services across the Sydney Local Health District.
The District Mental Health Service is managed by an executive who representatives major portfolios of expertise. These include:
The Mental Health Executive operates under a Chief Executive who is guided by a District Board. The purpose of Mental Health Executive is:
Steven Wood, General Manager
The General Manager, Mental Health Services is responsible for planning, directing and managing the total operations and resources of Mental Health to ensure the effective and efficient provision of high-quality health services.
Dr Andrew McDonald, Clinical Director of Mental Health
The Director of Mental Health is responsible for the overall corporate and clinical governance, performance and strategic planning of the Mental Health Service, and reports to the SLHD Chief Executive.
Mr Lance Takiari, Director of Nursing Mental Health
The Director of Nursing is responsible for the leadership and management of the Mental Health Service's nursing staff and plays an important role in the management of hospital-based mental health services. The Director of Nursing plans and develops nursing services from financial, organisational, physical, and workforce perspectives.
Dr Sylvia Lim-Gibson, Director of Clinical Services Mental Health
The Director of Clinical Services is responsible for the leadership and management of mental health medical staff. This position also provides clinical leadership and has responsibility for providing medical and clinical governance advice to the Service executive.
Ms Lainie Anderson, Acting Director of Operations & Corporate Governance Mental Health
The Director of Operations & Corporate Governance leads, directs and manages the operational aspects across a broad spectrum of service delivery models and corporate functions in line with SLHD strategic directions and the Mental Health Service's operational plans. The position also provides significant input to the development and oversight of strategic and business operations, organisational culture, policy development, financial management, information management, service-level agreements, and services that support and enable the effective functioning of the organisation.
Dr Hang Tran, Director of Clinical Services, Concord Centre for Mental Health
The Medical Director is responsible for the leadership and management of the Mental Health Service's medical staff based at Concord Centre for Mental Health. This position also provides clinical leadership and has responsibility for providing medical and clinical governance advice to the Service executive.
Dr Tanya Dus Director of Psychiatry, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
The Director of Psychiatry is responsible for the leadership and management of mental health medical staff based at the Professor Marie Bashir Centre. This position also provides clinical leadership and has responsibility for providing medical and clinical governance advice to the Service executive.
Kath Walkley, Director of Clinical Governance Mental Health
The Director of Clinical Governance leads, directs and manages organisational functions that promote and support patient safety and clinical excellence within the mental health services. The position also provides significant input to the development and oversight of strategic priorities and business plans, policy development, clinical service strategies, incident and risk management, and quality improvement activities.
Associate Professor Beth Kotze, Director of Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services
The Director of Child & Adolescent Mental Health is responsible for the leadership and management of the mental health child and adolescent services. The position is base at the Rivendell Unit, Thomas Walker Hospital. This position also provides clinical leadership and has responsibility for providing medical and clinical governance advice to the Service executive.
Ms Jingjing Gong, Finance Director Mental Health
The Finance Director is responsible for planning, reporting and managing the financial resources of the Mental Health Service to ensure health budget performance. The role includes strategic and operational functions related to financial management controls and practices consistent with Ministry of Health and SLHD financial management policies.
Ms Merryn Sheather, Director Community Mental Health & Partnership Manager Mental Health
The Community and Partnership Manager is responsible for the leadership, management and governance of the community mental health services and partnerships in Sydney Local Health District. The position is also responsible for the identification, negotiation, and establishment of strategic partnerships for the mental health services in the district.
Ms Megan Still, Service Planning & Innovation Manager Mental Health
The Community Services and Innovation Manager is responsible for the leadership, management and governance of consumer focussed activities including peer workers, consumer and carer representation, and strategic community engagement and communication.
Dr Lil Vrklevski, Professional Senior Psychologist Mental Health
The Professional Senior Psychologist is responsible for the leadership, governance and coordination of the psychological services within the Mental Health Service. The position is also responsible for advising on the planning and development needs of the Allied Health services from a financial, organisational, physical, and workforce perspectives.
Mr Simon Tully, Senior Social Worker Mental Health
The District Senior Social Worker is responsible for the leadership, governance and coordination of social work services within the Mental Health Service. The position is also responsible for advising on the planning and development needs of the Allied Health services from a financial, organisational, physical, and workforce perspectives.
Ms Sophia Brindle, Acting Senior Occupational Therapist Mental Health
The District Senior Occupational Therapist is responsible for the leadership, governance and coordination of occupational therapy services within the Mental Health Service. The position is also responsible for advising on the planning and development needs of the Allied Health services from a financial, organisational, physical, and workforce perspectives.