Palliative Care Service

Health Professionals

The main focus of the Palliative Care Team is to support patients and their carers to live as independently and as well as they can in the face of serious illness.The members of the team are drawn from a variety of health disciplines including nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists, volunteers and doctors.They also work closely with medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons, psychiatrists, pharmacists and chaplains.

There are inpatient units onsite at RPA and Concord and teams that provide services to people in the community.


Palliative Care & End of Life Care ACI/CEC: Palliative & End of Life Care -  A Blueprint for Improvement                                    

Cancer Learning Caresearch Cancer Learning Caresearch                                    Palliative Care Australia Services   Palliative Care Australia Service Directory

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