Sydney Local Health District values and embraces a diverse workforce including people with disability. We have approximately 14,000 staff in the District, working together to provide excellent healthcare to our community of 700,000 people.
Applications are welcome from all people with disabilities for suitable positions.
Finding suitable positions
The range of opportunities is as diverse as our community. Positions are advertised online:
Sydney Local Health District Career Portal - all positions in the District are advertised here
Jobsupport Transition (SLES) Employ-My-Ability program - a partnership program between the District and Jobsupport to help people with significant intellectual disability (IQ less than 60) find a job.
WISE Employment - a District partner in the active recruitment of people who have a disability into existing and created roles within the District.
Reasonable adjustments
Our dedicated Diversity and Inclusion Officer and Workforce team work with applicants and their teams to understand their needs. They make sure any reasonable adjustments are made so everyone feels safe and comfortable in the workplace.
Further resources
NSW Health Diversity Inclusion Belonging Guide
Australian Government JobAccess - information on disability employment and how to access support
NSW Public Service Commission Flexible Working - guidelines for all employees
NSW Public Service Commission - guidelines for sharing your disability information