Research Ethics and Governance Office


eConsent Guidelines

*NB: this site will be updated frequently to ensure it is in line with current and updated legislation/policies. It is therefore highly recommended that you re-visit this site before you consent your first participant.

Use of an eConsent or other procedures for obtaining consent require approval from the relevant ethics committee.

The Principal Investigator or delegated trial staff should complete the consent discussion with the patient, or where relevant the authorised decision maker, via video consult and/or a telephone call and should include all the required elements of the consent process in line with the ethically approved Protocol and for Clinical Trial studies - Good Clinical Practice principles.    

Example: Steps to Obtaining Consent for Clinical Trial studies 

  • Patient referred for clinical trial consideration 
  • Telehealth/video consult; patient review, Trial discussion, blank copy of participant information sheet and consent form emailed (the SLHD HREC usually requests participants are given at least 24-hours to consider participating in the study)
  • Patient decides to proceed; telehealth/video consult, final questions answered, patient e-signs consent. 
  • Patient can download a copy of the signed consent form
  • If applicable; the consent process should be documented in the participants medical record 
  • If applicable; copy of the signed PIS/CF placed in, or uploaded to, the medical record

Example: Steps to Obtaining Consent for other research studies

  • Telehealth/video consult; patient review, study discussion, blank copy of participant information sheet and consent form emailed (the SLHD HREC usually requests participants are given at least 24-hours to consider participating in the study) 
  • Patient decides to proceed; telehealth/video consult, final questions answered, patient e-signs consent. 
  • Patient can download a copy of the signed consent form
  • If applicable; the consent process should be documented in the participants medical record  
  • If applicable; copy of the signed PIS/CF placed in, or uploaded to, the medical record

How to set-up eConsent - REDCap Instructions