Research Ethics and Governance Office

Radiation Safety

Use of ionising radiation for research purposes – for research purposes
• Any research that involves exposure of humans to ionising radiation must follow the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Exposure of Humans to Ionizing Radiation for Research Purposes (2005) (ARPANSA Radiation Protection Series No. 8), which has been adopted by the New South Wales Radiation Control Act.

• The Code of Practice sets out a number of responsibilities and processes in relation to research involving exposure to ionising radiation. In particular, it requires:
- an independent radiation dose and risk assessment that must be included with the submission to the HREC.
- The HREC submission must also outline the reasons why it is necessary to expose research participants to radiation for the purpose of the research and the steps that will be taken to minimise radiation exposure.

Please complete the relevant RPAH application and submit to Alice Caldwell, the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (Ph: 9515 6023). The form must be submitted with the following attachments:
• a copy of the study protocol
• patient information statement and consent form

The RSO’s assessment report will state:
• the radiation dose for the radiological procedures that are additional to the procedures undertaken for normal clinical management
• whether the radiation dose exceeds the dose constraints in the Code of Practice
• the risks associated with the radiation exposure in accordance with the advice in the Code of Practice.
• the level of benefit required from the research to justify the radiation exposure
• a statement relating to the risk of exposure that must be included in the Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form.