Concord Hospital Concord Hospital
The Concord Research Office

CRGH Research Travelling Scholarships

Promote excellence in basic, clinical, translational and public health research on the Concord Hospital campus. The programme will provide retrospective support for a recognised scientific conference in Australia or overseas at which the applicant is presenting their original research work. This includes virtual/online conference events.

 Conference travel expenses grants can be used for the following purposes:
- Economy level (or equivalent) airfare, train or bus travel
- Accommodation for the conference
- Registration expenses

Conference travel expenses grants cannot be used for the following purposes:
- Education workshops
- Education courses
- To cover general education expenses

The award
The travel grants can be awarded to a maximum value of $3,000.00. Payments will only be made retrospectively, as a reimbursement, after receipts have been received.

Application Process
Application for travel grants must be made to the CRGH Research Office using the REDCap survey, and must be accompanied by the specified supporting documents.

Application for travel grants must be received and the grant approved before the conference occurs.

Applications for travel grants will not be accepted where the grant cannot be approved in the timeframe set by the CRGH

Research Office prior to the conference occurring.

Application Procedure and Closing Dates

1. Researchers are required to comply with the Ministry of Health Policy Directive Official Travel PD2016_010 when seeking approval to undertake official SLHD travel. Official Travel (

2. All flights and accommodation need to be booked through the Government Provider. Flight Centre Management (FCM) is the current government provider for airfares, accommodation, and car hire. Note: the Concord Travel Grant does not cover per diems. Please discuss per diems with your relevant Department.

3. Non-Staff Specialists who want to undertake travel for official Sydney Local Health District purposes (Official Travel) must complete an application using the resources on the intranet SLHD Workforce Services - Official Travel - Home (

4. If the Concord Travel Grant application is successful, researchers need to submit a complete travel application to

5. Complete applications need to have an S1 and a relevant travel form (domestic travel form) plus all the supporting documentation. Please use relevant checklists Domestic Official Travel Checklist Domestic-Travel-for-Non–SS.pdf ( or Overseas Official Travel Checklist Overseas-Travel-for-Non–SS.pdf ( to make sure that all required information is provided.

6. The Concord Research Office will provide the S1 and cost centre number and signatures for the application. The researcher should compile the remaining documents in the relevant official travel checklist and send it to SLHD-Travel for processing.

7. SLHD-Travel will issue purchase order for flights and accommodation. The complete travel application needs to continue through the approval process and needs to be returned to SLHD-Travel to send the application for CE approval.

8. For further assistance please contact the District Travel Officer on (02) 97675082 and forward all travel related requests & queries to SLHD-Travel

Conference travel grants are open all year round. 

Applications should be submitted electronically via the following REDCap survey link:


Travel grants can be awarded for domestic travel only. Overseas travel is not covered under this grant.

Travel grants are not transferable in person or purpose.

The grant will be awarded subject to notification that the abstract has been accepted by conference organisers for presentation and that the applicant presents the work.

The grant will be awarded, as a reimbursement, after receipts for travel have been received. Local accommodation or local travel expenses are not covered under this grant (i.e. within Sydney). 

The applicant must acknowledge the funding received from the CRGH Research Committee in their presentation, or display.

Successful applicants must provide a brief written report of the conference to the Research Committee, within 4 weeks of their return.

The project must have received ethics approval from an appropriate credentialed Human Research Ethics Committee.

The applicant can be a Junior Medical Officer, Allied Health staff, Nursing staff, full time Higher Degree Researcher (HDR), unpaid honorary Medical Officer or a grant funded scientist where alternative funding is not available. Paid Staff Specialists or paid Visiting Medical Officers can apply if they are also a full time Higher Degree Researcher.

Preference will be given to early career researchers but applications from senior researchers will be considered.

Travel is not applicable for family members and must be conference related.

Sarah Truong - Acting Research Office Manager
Concord Hospital Research Office, Building 20