Liver disease
What does a healthy liver do?
The liver is the largest and one of the most complex organs in the body. It has many functions including:
- as a biochemical factory, it processes nutrients absorbed from the gut, and makes them available for use by other parts of the body
- bile production and excretion into the intestine, which is important for absorption of fats and certain vitamins
- production of blood factors including many of those necessary for blood clotting and for normal body fluid balance
- removal of toxins from the blood including those produced by bacteria in the gut and for the breakdown of alcohol and many drugs
- removal of germs in the blood absorbed from the gut
- processing of some hormones and vitamins
Liver disease
Liver disease is a general term for any condition affecting your liver. One of the major complications of liver disease is cirrhosis, a term used for liver scarring and poor liver function seen in the terminal stages of chronic liver disease.
Symptoms of liver disease can include:
- skin and eyes appear yellowish (jaundice)
- abdominal pain and swelling
- swelling in the legs and ankles
- itchy skin
- dark urine colour
- pale stool colour
- chronic fatigue
- nausea and vomiting
Preventing liver disease
Many of the complications of liver disease can be avoided if you:
- maintain good nutrition through a high protein-high energy diet
- take your medications as prescribed
- get imaging scans every six months to conduct regular surveillance for liver cancer
- undergo regular gastroscopy procedures to detect development of large veins (varices) in the oesophagus
- avoid the use of some types of medications. This includes acid-suppressing medications (PPIs or proton-pump inhibitors) and sedatives
- avoid alcohol consumption
- stop smoking