Sydney Local Health District Concord Repatriation General Hospital
Concord Repatriation General Hospital
Concord Repatriation General Hospital
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Concord Hospital seeks to care not only for the specific medical needs of patients, but the needs of the whole person. One aspect of this service is the provision of a Pastoral Care Department, which has two full-time Chaplains.

Chaplains have always played a significant role in the life and work of Concord Hospital. In the Hospital's earliest days, the Padres ministered to military personnel who were injured or ill, as they did in the barracks and on the field. This tradition has continued for over 80 years.

Chaplains visit regularly around the Wards complementing the hospital's care given to each patient. The Chaplains are supported by trained Volunteer Pastoral Care Visitors, Denominational Representatives, and Visiting Local Clergy; together they comprise the Pastoral Care Department.

The Hospital's 113th AGH Ecumenical Memorial Chapel and the Memorial Gardens are 'an oasis of quiet and peace' - Open from 6.30 am until 8pm Daily for prayer and quiet reflection.

Alternatively, a Prayer Room is located on Level 6 West which is suitable for use by Moslems and other users.

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Page Last Updated: 18 July, 2023