The unit is staffed by a dedicated group of professionals, including Nephrologists and Registrars, Senior Specialised Nurses, Dietitians, Podiatrist, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Psychologist, Physiotherapist and Social Workers.
Head, Department of Renal Medicine
Dr Shaundeep Sen, MBBS, FRACP, PhD
Senior Staff Specialist Nephrologist
Clinical Senior Lecturer - Concord Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney
Dr Celine Foote, MBBS, FRACP, PhD
Director of Research and Renal Supportive Care
Staff Specialist Nephrologist
Dr Angus Ritchie, MBBS, FRACP
Staff Specialist Nephrologist
Chief Medical information Officer & Director, Health Informatics Unit, SLHD
Dr Mona Razavian, MBBS, FRACP
Staff Specialist Nephrologist
Clinical Lecturer, Australian School of Advanced Medicine
Consultant Nephrologist, Macquarie University Hospital
Dr Amanda Wang, MBBS, FRACP, PhD
Staff Specialist Nephrologist
Research Fellow - The George Institute for Global Health
Dr Gowri Raman, Bachelor of Medicine, FRACP, FAChPM
Staff Specialist Nephrologist and Palliative medicine
Prof Meg Jardine, MBBS (Hon 1), FRACP, PhD
Staff Specialist Nephrologist
Director, NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, University of Sydney
Lead, Kidney Health Research, NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, University of Sydney
Professor of Medicine, University of Sydney
Honorary Professorial Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health
Dr Roger Wyndham, MBBS, MMedSc (Clin Epi), FRACP
Visiting Medical Officer - Nephrologist
Prof Martin Gallagher, MBBS, FRACP, MPH (Hons), PhD
Honorary Visiting Medical Officer
PhD Program Director, Renal and Metabolic Program, The George Institute for Global Health
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Head - Liverpool Hospital Clinical School, UNSW
Senior Nurses
Hannah Bannell
Nurse Unit Manager, Ward 4 North and In-Centre Dialysis
Jie (Jane) Zeng
Nurse Unit Manager, Satellite Dialysis Unit, 3MC
Lisa Tienstra
Clinical Nurse Consultant - Dialysis
In Young (Jackie) Cho
Clinical Nurse Consultant - Chronic Kidney Diseases
Khalilah Marquez
Clinical Nurse Consultant - Renal Supportive Care
Research Staff
Samantha Hand - Trials Manager