RPAH - Institute of Academic Surgery RPAH - Institute of Academic Surgery
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Institute of Academic Surgery

Advanced GI Surgical Nursing Program

The Advanced GI Surgical Nursing Program (AGISP) is a two-year program with six participants rotating through seven speciality areas and is designed to target highly motivated and committed Registered Nurses currently or recently working in the GI surgical specialties. The 6-month clinical rotations include Pelvic Exenteration, Cytoreductive Surgery + HIPEC, Advanced Upper GI Surgery, Intestinal Failure and Parenteral Nutrition, Stomal Therapy, Wound and Fistula Care and CRC/IBD and Anorectal/Biofeedback.

The program objectives are to:

  • Improve patient care
  • Empower and support staff
  • Increase staff knowledge and skills
  • Succession plan for future staffing
  • Assist in career progression
  • Facilitate research
  • Increase staff satisfaction

Training, education and research are pivotal to creating a sustainable nursing workforce that is able to manage and coordinate complex patient needs and provide expert clinical care.

Succession planning is critical in maintaining a highly skilled, proficient nursing workforce.

The program develops skills and capabilities necessary to progress Registered Nurses into Clinical Nurse Consultants and care coordinators in this speciality. Participants will be mentored by the Clinical Nurse Consultant/Care Coordinator in each rotation.

For more information about this program please contact the program manager:  Gaynor Beardsworth - gaynor.beardsworth@health.nsw.gov.au

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Page Last Updated: 23 January, 2023